******* This post was written and apparently did not publish in February******* I have since traded the POS XTerra in for a beautiful new Subaru Impreza.*******
I'm on a quest.... I want my vehicle paid off in the next 4 months so I can save up to buy a new one!! (Unless I convince Matt to let me get a new one beforehand!!)
I have 10 months left on my loan, I think anyways. I'm not really sure how I'm going to make/save extra money to make this happen, but, I'm going to try!! (This is going to be especially hard with it always breaking!!!)
First up, I just started my own online jewelry boutique! Check it out!!
I LOVE jewelry and there in something for everyone in my shop!! The jewelry is all by up and coming designers.... So get the bargains before they get too pricey!! I have a sale that starts every Wednesday!!
So next time you buy a piece of jewelry for yourself or someone else, keep me in mind!!
I've also been selling on EBay! When you buy a smaller house you have to downsize--- big time!! I've been slightly successful! Now I just need some big ticket items!!
I'm also planning on a yard sale this spring, I know they are a lot of work, but it's a little extra cash I didn't have prior- right??
Any other ideas on how to make a little extra money??? I will probably cave and end up looking for another part time job, but I'm trying to be creative in my approach.....
So here goes, I'm saying by July 3 ( I'm picking the 3rd because that was my Great-Grandmas Birthday and She ALWAYS supported/believed in/brought me good luck!!!), I want the X Terra paid off!!! (Unless of course Grumpy Pants Matt lets me get rid of it first !!)