Thursday, March 7, 2013

House Makeover

Although the house isn't finished, and probably never will be.....

Here are some 'completed' photos!

100. This is a picture of the back bedroom. We took the door out with the two windows  on the sides and put in 5 windows. We also took the deck off (it wasn't safe anyways!) 

028. the pendant lights we put going up the new steps we put in

085. the new tile we laid when you enter the front door

117. the new kitchen island

123. kitchen

130. looking into the back bedroom upstairs

154. kitchen with backsplash

376. Matt hanging a light fixture in the dining room

445. New Front Door

491. Bar between kitchen/dining/living rooms

523. the cedar we used in the entire upstairs

 530. the cedar and the opening to the 'attic' above the bedroom.

Please keep in mind, most of these photos are from the fall and a lot of these projects have been finished up since then, I just haven't taken new photos!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained..... Right?

******* This post was written and apparently did not publish in February******* I have since traded the POS XTerra in for a beautiful new Subaru Impreza.*******

I'm on a quest.... I want my vehicle paid off in the next 4 months so I can save up to buy a new one!! (Unless I convince Matt to let me get a new one beforehand!!)

I have 10 months left on my loan, I think anyways. I'm not really sure how I'm going to make/save extra money to make this happen, but, I'm going to try!! (This is going to be especially hard with it always breaking!!!)

First up, I just started my own online jewelry boutique! Check it out!!
I LOVE jewelry and there in something for everyone in my shop!! The jewelry is all by up and coming designers.... So get the bargains before they get too pricey!! I have a sale that starts every Wednesday!!
So next time you buy a piece of jewelry for yourself or someone else, keep me in mind!!

I've also been selling on EBay! When you buy a smaller house you have to downsize--- big time!! I've been slightly successful! Now I just need some big ticket items!!

I'm also planning on a yard sale this spring, I know they are a lot of work, but it's a little extra cash I didn't have prior- right??

Any other ideas on how to make a little extra money??? I will probably cave and end up looking for another part time job, but I'm trying to be creative in my approach.....

So here goes, I'm saying by July 3 ( I'm picking the 3rd because that was my Great-Grandmas Birthday and She ALWAYS supported/believed in/brought me good luck!!!), I want the X Terra paid off!!! (Unless of course Grumpy Pants Matt lets me get rid of it first !!)


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Baby Booties

My cousins wife is due to give birth any day now and I thought I would try to crochet a pair of baby booties for the newborn.

I've never attempted booties before so I figured this would be quite the adventure. In not very good at reading patterns, but thankfully I found a patterns that had a you tube video to go with it!!

Through Pinterest I found the link to 'Crochet Hooks You' the tutorial I used can be found at.....

I used a 2 ply white baby yarn that I had from my great grandmothers stash.

I must say they turned out better than expected. The second one I screwed up a bit but not enough to notice!!

I used the following chart to check my sizes- to make sure I was in the ballpark!

I decided to add a pink flower, using Bernat Softee Baby Yarn!

Look how cute they turned out!!