Monday, September 23, 2013

'B' is Back

NEVER, and I do mean Never in a million years did our family think Brittany would ever be returned. However, by some miracle, Brittany, my brother's dog who was 'taken' in June is back.

This story is so far fetched, it really is hard to believe. On Friday, a dog was found in Youngwood and taken to a shelter there. The shelter posted her picture, I saw it, and my first thought was Brit! However, I thought she looked a little to gray to be Brit and she was on the chubby side. I didn't do anything, and now I regret it! Sunday morning my mom texted me to say the girl who had found Brittany the first time, and unknowingly handed her over to the wrong owner sent my brothers girlfriend a picture showing a dog and asked if it was Brit! Immediately everyone thought it possibly could be! Adam tried to reach the shelter all day Sunday, but they were not in. He spoke to them today, Monday, and him and my mom went up. They had to take photo proof and vet records.

Adam explained the who story to the lady and when she brought B out I guess she got so excited to see my brother. The lady was convinced it was her. However, my mom and Adam were still hesitant. B had a bare spot of skin on one of her elbows, and the hair was now long enough and covering it. Also, she is much darker brown. The lady at the kennel said that is probably because she was kept indoors and did not spend a lot of time outside. The true moment of truth came though when another couple walked in to look at dogs. The lady working at the kennel spelled out Brittany and asked the lady to call her name. Brit immediately responded and went to her. She remembered her name!!! :) That convinced everyone!

The lady working told my brother she had goose bumps for such a happy ending. Poor B! It seems like she was cared for, she got a little chubby, but she is in shock. She's just wondering around my brothers. Hopefully she gets comfortable and adjusts sooner rather than later. She also looks a lot more aged! She definitely has a lot more gray hair than she did in June.

My niece is so excited to go to her daddy's house to see B! It truly is a happy ending! Miracles do happen, especially when you least expect them!!

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